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title: 'Streaming Setup'
date: 2024-02-26T09:01:06+01:00
draft: true
Live streaming[^1] can be done independently from 3rd parties by using a
streaming media server[^2] such as [Icecast](../) and a [source client](https://icecast.org/apps/#source-clients)
for encoding and streaming to that server.
I'm using Icecast and [oggfwd](https://r-w-x.org/r/oggfwd) in combination with
[ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/) as source client to realize live streaming
concerts. Although there are many official source clients available, oggfwd
seems to be the only solution for [JACK](https://jackaudio.org/) and TLS
encrypted connections. The mixing and monitoring is done in [Ardour](https://ardour.org/).
The signal flow can be represented as follows:
graph LR;
If you follow this guide to setup your own live streaming I assume configuration
according to [my Icecast setup](../) and a working audio setup using the Jack
Audio Connection Kit (JACK) as mentioned above. Additionally, general knowledge
on how to install software and use a terminal in your GNU/Linux distribution is
also necessary.
## Installation
Get the ffmpeg and oggfwd package by using your distribution's package manager
or compile from sources. You need to have [mpv](https://mpv.io/) installed in
order to play waiting music and `wget`[^3] for triggering tasks via Icecast's
[Admin Interface](https://www.icecast.org/docs/icecast-trunk/admin_interface/).
In ArchLinux, ffmpeg and wget are provided in the official repositories and
[oggfwd in the AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/oggfwd).
## Start live streaming
The following chapters document how to manage the live streaming in detail by
describing the steps and providing numbered Bash[^4] scripts. Create the files
using the filenames in the code block header, copy and paste the code, and make
the files executable.
{{% steps %}}
### Setting up the environment
To simply copy and paste the commands used in this guide, I set the following
environment variables[^5] to my needs. Most of the values depend on the settings
applied in the [Icecast basic setup](../#basic-setup). The following script is
an example and needs to be adapted:
# ffmpeg options
export CONCERT_TITLE="My streaming concert"
export ARTIST_NAME="FLOSS artist"
# oggfwd and wget options
export HOSTNAME="icecast.example.org"
export PORT="8443"
export SOURCE_PASSWORD="secret-S0URC3-passwd"
export STREAM_MOUNTPOINT="/stream.ogg"
export FALLBACK_MOUNTPOINT="/greeting.ogg"
export ADMIN_USERNAME="admin"
export ADMIN_PASSWORD="@dmin-P4SSW0RD"
# ffmpeg, mpv, and jack_connect options
export AUDIO_FILE="/path/to/waiting-music.ogg"
export AUDIO_BACKEND="jack"
export JACK_CLIENT1="ffmpeg"
I create or open an [ardour session](https://manual.ardour.org/working-with-sessions/the-new-session-dialog/)
to route, control and mix physical inputs and pre-recorded tracks, if any.
I setup the session: Level gains, pan tracks and apply effects, but keep in mind
to save some resources for encoding. If a recording is desired, I globally
activate recording in [the transport bar](https://manual.ardour.org/ardours-interface/the-transport-bar/)
and arm the desired tracks using the [audio track controls](https://manual.ardour.org/working-with-tracks/audio-track-controls/).
### Encoding and forwarding
The output of ardour must be encoded to the Ogg Vorbis container format and
provided at `stdout` to be forwarded by oggfwd. This can be achieved by using
ffmpeg's JACK input device, audio encoding parameters and piping[^6] the output
to oggfwd using the `|` operator:
-vn \
-acodec libvorbis \
-b:a 192k -minrate 192k -maxrate 192k \
-metadata title="$CONCERT_TITLE" -metadata artist="$ARTIST_NAME" \
-f ogg -y /dev/stdout \
The fmpeg parameters are:
to create a [JACK input device](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-devices.html#jack)
called ffmpeg.
- `-vn`: Specify that no video data is included (i.e. audio only [stream selection](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Stream-selection)).
- `-acodec libvorbis`: Use libvorbis audio codec in the [audio options](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Audio-Options).
- `-b:a 192k -minrate 192k -maxrate 192k`: Ensure a constant bitrate at 192 kbps
for on-the-fly encoding by setting these [stream specifiers](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Stream-specifiers-1).
- `-metadata title="$CONCERT_TITLE" -metadata artist="$ARTIST_NAME"`: Add artist
and title metadata for identification in the [main options](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Main-options).
- `-f ogg -y /dev/stdout`: Force Ogg Vorbis output format and write to stdout.
### Connecting JACK clients
Use another terminal to connect ardour's master outputs to `ffmpeg:input_1` and
`ffmpeg:input_2` within JACK:
jack_connect "ardour:Master/audio_out 1" $JACK_CLIENT1:input_1
jack_connect "ardour:Master/audio_out 2" $JACK_CLIENT1:input_2
### Saving time
When setting up those things all by yourself, it might be necessary play waiting
music immediately after the source streaming started in order to save time for
further preparations. I'm using mpv with the `jack` [audio output driver](https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#audio-output-drivers),
auto-connection to the `ffmpeg` JACK port and loop the file `$AUDIO_FILE` via a
[playback control](https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#playback-control) option in
another terminal:
mpv --ao=$AUDIO_BACKEND --jack-port=$JACK_CLIENT1 --loop-file=inf $AUDIO_FILE
Press the `m` key when starting the concert to mute mpv's output and press the
*Play* button in ardour's transport bar to start recording, if desired.
### Controlling listeners
Icecast's Admin Interface offers some functions to control listeners. I'm using wget to trigger those tasks at the terminal. The geeneral syntax is:
wget --quiet \
--output-document=/dev/null \
--http-user=$ADMIN_USERNAME \
--http-password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD \
The wget parameters are:
- `--http-user=$ADMIN_USERNAME`: Use `$ADMIN_USERNAME` in the [HTTP options](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/HTTP-Options.html#HTTP-Options)
for the Icecast web administration login
- `--http-password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD`: Use `$ADMIN_PASSWORD` for Icecast web
administration login
- `--quiet:` Turn off terminal output in the [Logging options](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Logging-and-Input-File-Options.html#Logging-and-Input-File-Options).
- `--output-document=/dev/null`: Write output document `/dev/null` to discard
it in the [download options](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Download-Options.html#Download-Options).
The value of `$WGET_URI` depends on the specific task and is used for the
following actions.
#### Moving listeners
The fallback mountpoint is activated since Icecast is running and listeners might
have connected before the actual source stream started. To [move client listeners](https://www.icecast.org/docs/icecast-trunk/admin_interface/#move-clients-listeners)
from one mountpoint to another, execute this script:
export WGET_URI="moveclients.xsl mount=$FALLBACK_MOUNTPOINT&destination=$STREAM_MOUNTPOINT"
wget --quiet \
--output-document=/dev/null \
--http-user=$ADMIN_USERNAME \
--http-password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD \
#### Killing the fallback
It's a best practice to [kill](https://www.icecast.org/docs/icecast-trunk/admin_interface/#kill-source)
the fallback streaming source for misbehaving listener clients afterwards:
export WGET_URI="killsource.xsl?mount=$FALLBACK_MOUNTPOINT"
wget --quiet \
--output-document=/dev/null \
--http-user=$ADMIN_USERNAME \
--http-password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD \
### Killing the source streaming
When the concert is over I unmute mpv's output by pressing the `m` key again to playback the waiting music and indicate the end of the concert. The client listeners are be moved back to the fallback mount and the source streaming is killed. The script below combines the previous substeps to achieve this:
export WGET_URI="moveclients.xsl?mount=$STREAM_MOINTPOINT&destination=$FALLBACK_MOUNTPOINT"
wget --quiet \
--output-document=/dev/null \
--http-user=$ADMIN_USERNAME \
--http-password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD \
export WGET_URI="killsource.xsl?mount=$STREAM_MOUNTPOINT"
wget --quiet \
--output-document=/dev/null \
--http-user=$ADMIN_USERNAME \
--http-password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD \
### Terminating local tools
Lastly ffmpeg, oggfwd and mpv processes are killed:
killall ffmpeg oggfwd mpv
In ardour, I can stop the recording and save the session for later production.
{{% /steps %}}
[^1]: [Live streaming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_streaming) in the
[^2]: [Media server](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_server) in the
[^3]: [GNU Wget](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/) website
[^4]: [GNU Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) website
[^5]: [Environment variable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable)
in the Wikipedia
[^6]: [Pipeline (Unix)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(Unix)) in the
Wikipedia |