1.4 KiB
title | date | draft |
Live | 2024-02-26T18:57:58+01:00 | true |
Upcoming stream
Please do a compatibility-check and consider alternative options as appropriate before opening a concert link!
{{< callout type="info" >}} No upcoming stream at the moment. {{< /callout >}}
Past streams
{{< cards >}} {{< card link="streaming-miniconcert/" image="streaming-miniconcert/img/cover.jpg" title="Streaming miniconcert" subtitle="Live concert in the pandemic (2020)" >}} {{< /cards >}}
Compatibility check
Play the audio greeting loop to check your browser's streaming capabilities:
{{< audio src="https://this.ven.uber.space/stream/live.ogg" type="audio/ogg" caption="Livestream (audio only)" >}}
If you experience problems playing the stream, make sure to use the Mozilla Firefox web browser to visit this page.
Alternative options
{{< tabs items="VLC media player, Streaming URL" >}} {{< tab >}} Alternatively, install the VLC media player and open the following playlist: {{< cards >}} {{< card link="stream.ogg.m3u" icon="download" title="Download playlist" >}} {{< /cards >}} {{< /tab >}} {{< tab >}} If everything fails or you know how to open streams, note the streaming url:
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}