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--- /dev/null
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+title: 'Taking off, nailing down'
+date: 2024-04-01T10:58:34+02:00
+draft: true
+ - name: this.ven
+ link: /about/
+ image: /images/profile.jpg
+ - Hugo
+ - Infrastructure
+ - Relaunch
+ - Website
+Hi! If you wonder why my website looks different, this article is about why.
+If you already know about the background of this site you may want to jump to
+the section [Know why, know what, know how](#know-why-know-what-know-how).
+## The history of this site
+Since I started the this.ven project in the fall of 2017 and created the website
+in the following year, the purpose of these pages and the services I am running
+has changed.
+### Taking off with Tor on a netbook
+In the beginning, I just wanted to share my music
+([drafts](/music/drafts/)) and some of the details related to it. For this
+reason, an old netbook with a 700 MHz single-core CPU, 512 MB RAM and 4 GB SSD
+running Debian 9 (Stretch)[^1] has been sufficient to serve static HTML files
+via an Apache 2 webserver over the Tor[^2] network. To connect the site to the
+clearnet[^3] I resorted to a proxy together with a link shortener service. This
+way the visitors could access my onion site by navigating to a clearnet address.
+{{< figure src="img/netbook-kernel-panic.jpg" alt="Netbook Kernel panic"
+ caption="The last screen (kernel panic) of the netbook in Oktober 2022" >}}
+Though this solution induces that visitors had to trust the free proxy service
+since the end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) Tor traffic is terminated at the exit node
+(before the proxy node), at that time I didn't have enough resources for another
+option. Additionally, I didn't want to register at a service, share my personal
+data, such as the place of residence and phone number, due to the legislation in
+my country.
+### Migration to Uberspace
+However, as the need for E2EE instant messaging (IM) became more urgent, and I
+was looking for options to run other web applications without being dependend on
+Tor I gave Uberspace a try. I migrated the website files and extended it in the
+following years. I used a Prosody[^4] server for IM with my family and friends,
+and registered a domain in order to setup DNS records against my concerns. I
+setup and tried out many other services for blogging, collaborative writing,
+file sharing, instant messaging, streaming, and audio- and videoconferencing.
+After some time I learned that there's a high price to convert fellow people for
+Internet politics and digital rights this way. I cancelled the domain and most
+services. Unfortunately, some friends didn't manage or didn't want to switch to
+another protocol ([Matrix](/docs/infrastructure/matrix/)) and fell back to SMS.
+### A more private Uberspace
+As of 2019 the Uberspace evolved into a more private resource to allow myself to
+be more independent from GAFAM, which I---kind of---celebrated in November 2020
+when I organized to do a live [miniconcert](/music/live/streaming-miniconcert/)
+using a [streaming setup](/docs/infrastructure/icecast/streaming-setup/) backed
+by Icecast. However, I still wanted to share my experiences and knowledge to
+support other people on their way to digital sovereignty[^5]. I started a wiki
+using DokuWiki[^6] documenting my [infrastructure](/docs/infrastructure).
+{{< figure src="img/larven-wiki.png" alt="lar.ven wiki"
+ caption="Startpage of the discontinued lar.ven wiki" >}}
+In addition to instructions on how I tweak my services at Uberspace to achieve
+more security and privacy I also wrote articles about setting up a Tor relay
+with the netbook that was providing the onion site before and VoidLinux[^7] as a
+more lightweight OS until the hardware finally died. It was replaced by a
+Raspberry Pi 3 A+, but due the lack of a wired NIC I switched to a Snowflake
+proxy[^8] very soon. If you want to support the Tor network, donate to the
+project and have a look at the:
+{{< cards >}}
+ {{< card icon="link" title="Browser Snowflake proxy"
+ link="https://community.torproject.org/relay/setup/snowflake/browser" >}}
+{{< /cards >}}
+### Site building overhaul, handy features, and a new design
+At the end of 2023 I reconsidered my infrastructure and website content. If the
+intent is to share my music and knowledge together, there is no reason to
+separate the contents. Furthermore, I was getting tired of manually maintaining
+the static HTML files. I browsed the [Uberlab](https://lab.uberspace.de/) guides
+to find a content management system that has already been proven to work. A few
+of my requirements were to write Markdown files and a Git repository for version
+control and site building automation.
+## Know why, know what, know how
+[Hugo](/docs/website/hugo/) is what I have found to be a sufficient solution to
+address the aforementioned needs. I migrated the content of the former site[^9]
+and added new documentation on [graphics](/docs/graphics/) design, for exmaple,
+while I was recreating the color scheme, logo, and profile image. This way I can
+share my experiences and knowledge together with the music I am able to create
+absolutely independently through the people contributing to software freedom.
+{{< cards >}}
+ {{< card link="/about/" image="/images/profile.jpg" title="this.ven"
+ subtitle="FLOSS musician, tinkerer, and privacy advocate" >}}
+{{< /cards >}}
+In the next months I will focus on my music projects, further document how I am
+approaching in the [docs](/docs/), and keep you updated via this blog.
+Stay tuned. {{< icon "hand-metal" >}}
+[^1]: [Debian Stretch](https://www.debian.org/releases/stretch/) release page
+[^2]: [Tor Project](https://www.torproject.org/) website
+[^3]: [Clearnet (networking)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearnet_(networking))
+in the Wikipedia
+[^4]: [Prosody](https://prosody.im/) website
+[^5]: [Open Standards](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/standards/index.en.html)
+background page of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)
+[^6]: [DokuWiki](https://www.dokuwiki.org/) website
+[^7]: [VoidLinux](https://voidlinux.org/) website
+[^8]: [Snowflake](https://snowflake.torproject.org/) project page
+[^9]: [Former website](https://web.archive.org/web/20240111215640if_/https://this.ven.uber.space/)
+in the Internet Archive wayback machine
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:30af08479d5503a73afc683073fe581d7225a1eff0b3d6cd4301940246da16d7
+size 162576
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index 0000000..7b23ae4
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:85c26e126ac527325fdbc1ca55025bab57732614b2cfd688e72a02dff0e7c59d
+size 74573
diff --git a/data/icons.yaml b/data/icons.yaml
index 235bf7d..a6ab99c 100644
--- a/data/icons.yaml
+++ b/data/icons.yaml
@@ -28,4 +28,7 @@ creative-commons-nc:
# Source: https://icon-sets.iconify.design/cib/matrix/
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+# Source: https://icon-sets.iconify.design/lucide/hand-metal/
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diff --git a/hugo.yaml b/hugo.yaml
index f60b41c..68dc03a 100644
--- a/hugo.yaml
+++ b/hugo.yaml
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@ languageCode: en-us
title: this.ven
theme: hextra
+enableGitInfo: true
+ home: [HTML]
+ page: [HTML]
+ section: [HTML, RSS]
description: FLOSS musician, tinkerer and privacy advocate
displayUpdatedDate: true
@@ -74,4 +81,6 @@ menu:
- unsafe: true
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+ unsafe: true
+titleCaseStyle: firstupper
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